Increase website conversions

Your site is well promoted in search engines, you are investing big money in advertising, and sales of all there is ....? Your site needs our HELP!

You will need to revise the structure of presenting information on the site and to solve the problem number 1.

Task 1. Determining the level of impact the company's site on the potential buyer and the level of comfort working with him («usability»).

Here we consider the position of:

  1. Brand awareness (the impression of corporate identity, brand memorability).
  2. Emphasis on basic goods and services from the perspective of the consumer.
  3. Site usability (ease of use as a means of buying goods).

The basic idea is that Brand and Design (after the price factor, of course) play a primary role in selecting products and to generate a positive emotional attitude.

That is, if you like the design of consumer brand is trust, and the site visitor is guided well even at the first visit, the factors of convenience goods and Representations order will not be so important, even if they do not meet expectations or preferences of the client.

Example 1. The buyer visits the site and the site just do not like it - it just closes the page, and looking for another.

Example 2. Website like, the buyer has found it necessary goods, but not a complete description of the goods or the order form do not like (many fields), then the probability of ordering goods is higher than in Example 1.


respected people
Lombard "Meridian"


Helvetica Trading


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