Developing a strategy

Develop a strategy for business development in the Internet - a key factor for success and your good work in their chosen field.

The head should always understand what milestones are passed, where the company is now where to go.

In developing the strategy the company used the Internet:

  •     analysis of the major competitors in the Internet and used their development strategies;
  •     a plan of competition in the Internet marketing tools to assess their effectiveness;
  •     qualitative assessment of the key phrases used by competitors to move in search engines;
  •     calculation of the effectiveness of marketing tools in the selected category (industry sector) and the selected region (city, region, subject of the federation).

Upon completion of the works you'll see the big picture to promote your business on the Internet:

  •     as developing your competitors;
  •     what marketing tools they use and what they receive from the effect, what the most effective keyword phrases to promote your company
  •     What is needed to achieve the advertising budget necessary for you quantitative and qualitative indicators.

The result of the development strategy are:

  •     report containing all of the above documents, with explanations and recommendations of our experts;
  •     marketing plan for the medium-term (1-3 years);
  •     quarterly marketing plans for the 1st year of promoting your business on the Internet;
  •     recommended a comprehensive suite of services to effectively promote your business on the Internet.


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Lombard "Meridian"


Helvetica Trading


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